Saturday, March 5, 2011

What if I have MORE than 75 items?...

What if I have MORE than 75 items to consign?....

Great question.

We have a short answer and a long answer.

Since this is a get the long answer!

We set limits on the number of items consignors may bring for two reasons:
1 - space
2 - quality of items is higher when consignors bring their BEST items...and not everything including the kitchen sink

For the Spring/Summer Sale, we are able to take 100 items - NOT including Home Decor & More items (because we don't have those bulky winter clothes!), and for Fall/Winter, we have to stick to 75.  (FYI - Women's items are limited to 5 per consignor).

However, if you find you have more than 75 fall/winter items that are in excellent shape...and that another mother would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to take home....there are a few ways around this, and here they are.

You have OPTIONS.  Don't you just love options.

Option A: Enter your first 75 items.  Bring them to drop off Monday or Tuesday.  Then, Tuesday evening, go home and enter some more using the same consignor number.  Yes, we will open the website again after Tuesday afternoon.  Bring those items EARLY Friday on Restock Friday.  We will try to make a big deal about new items we are restocking on Facebook and to the shoppers on Friday.  This is a great option if you have 10-20 items over the 75 limit.

Option B: Register for another consignor number.  You will need to use another email address to create this additional number. Tag your additional items using this number, up to 75.  This is a great option if you have 50-75 items over the limit.  This is NOT a good option if you only have 10-20 extra items.  You will receive 2 checks and pay 2 registration fees in order to have 2 numbers.

Option C:  This is a great option for anyone.  Use your same consignor number and consign at another one of our spring sales.  Don't be scared of a smaller sale!  There are fewer consignors, lots of shoppers...and if items are priced right, they move!  Consignors are generally very HAPPY and sometimes take home only a check when the price is right.  We think you'll find it will be worth your time and the short drive.

Happy Tagging, friends!!
Please post any questions you have below or on our Facebook page.

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